Olvasó Barátom,

tetszett egy-egy írás, aki akar folytatást, vagy támogatni kívánja munkámat, az
adomány jelleggel annyit utalhat alább megadott számlaszámra, amennyit gondol.
Ezt látom most a legtisztábbnak.
Olvasó, köszönöm figyelmedet. Köszönöm, ha elolvasod leveleimet. Köszönöm, ha
megosztod őket barátaiddal és köszönöm, ha támogatásodra méltónak találod
olvasást, szép napokat,
Sennyey Tibor
(Az adományokat az alábbi névre
és számlaszámra lehet eljuttatni hazánkból és külföldről. Weiner Tibor, IBAN:
HU14 11991119-80382979-00000000 ERSTE Bank,
Dear Reader, my dear Friend,
four years ago I travelled through
Java and Bali and as a result of my experiences I wrote a book: The Wondering
Kingdom - a travelogue, essays and poems. Now once again I am here for another
three months and I try to dig into literature, art, religion and tradition. My
first and foremost aim is to build a bridge between Asian and European culture,
and to reinforce appreciation between religions and of course, last but not
least to entertain my readers week after week with interesting and funny
articles written in Hungarian. My wife, who accompanies me on my journey
translates them into English. My writings during my previous journey appeared
in two Hungarian literary magazines. Although it is not my intention to
complain about the sorry situation of Hungarian literary journals or the
possibilities of writers to publish their works, not to mention remuneration, I
have to confess that I thought a lot about these and finally ended up in a
conclusion to publish my works and photos on a private blog and thus share them
with those who are interested in them. Those who like my stuff and are looking
forward to the next posts or would like to donate some money to encourage
further good articles are equally welcome there. At the moment this is the best
I can do. I am a writer; I have to make a living from my art, for art in fact.
So dear Reader, thank You for your attention, thank You for reading my posts,
thanks for sharing them with your friends, and I really am grateful if You
think that my journey deserves your financial support too.
Good reads, all the best,
Tibor Weiner Sennyey
writer, poet, free individual
(Donations can be transferred to the
following bank account: Weiner Tibor, IBAN: HU14 11991119-80382979-00000000 - ERSTE Bank, SWIFT:
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